Barry the bald eagle flies all the way north to Maine to flap around with MC Dee the black-capped chickadee. In this land of lobsters, there’s a lot to explore on both the coast and inland. Dee is a great guide, telling Barry what makes the most northern state of New England so cool.
MC Carlton the ruffed grouse flies with Barry the bald eagle around the historic state of Pennsylvania. Its biggest city of Philadelphia was once the capital of the United States. The two birds fly to the Alleghenies, the Appalachians, and the Poconos—all mountain ranges in a state that’s full of history and natural wonders.
They call New Mexico the Land of Enchantment, and MC Rob the roadrunner has some enchanting tales to tell. Flying over the state, Barry the bald eagle sees everything from desert to mountains. From Albuquerque to Santa Fe, New Mexico’s culture makes it one of the most interesting states in the country.
Barry the bald eagle flies to the heart of Dixie to meet Mellow Yellow the northern flicker. Alabama is home to part of the Appalachian Mountains as well as Space Camp! From Birmingham, a city that sits between two mountain ridges, to Mobile, which lives on the Gulf of Mexico, this state has a lot […]