Find the opposites of the following adverbs. The first is done for you:
badly | carefully | kindly | slowly | tidily | patiently | politely |
well |
Now rewrite the sentences below, using the opposite adverb so as to retain the original meaning. The first is done for you:
1. I don't knit well. I knit badly.
2. He wasn't driving carefully. He was driving __________.
3. People sometimes treat each other unkindly, People sometimes don't treat each other __________.
4. They ate dinner quickly. They didn't eat dinner __________.
5. He spoke to us politely. He didn't speak to us __________.
Complete the sentences below with the correct adverb of manner. The adjective is given in parentheses:
e.g. She dances well. (good)
1. I know you've been _________ planning to get rid of me. (secret)
2. The baby's sleeping _________. (peaceful)
3. Listen to the instructions _________. (careful)
4. The children were singing _________. (terrible)
5. My mother-in-law _________ offered to help with the flowers. (kind)
6. You speak Greek very _________. (good)
7. Uncle Jake was shouting _________ at the window cleaner. (angry)
8. The room was decorated _________. (beautiful)
9. I expect this class to behave _________. (sensible)
The following adverbs of frequency are placed immediately in front of the main verb in a clause: always, generally, never, often, rarely, usually.
E.G. We often go to the beach.
If there is an auxiliary in the sentence, the adverb is placed after the auxiliary.
E.G. You’ve always been careless with your belongings.
However, these adverbs are placed at the end of the clause: annually, monthly, weekly, yearly
E.G. The directors meet for a conference annually.
Rewrite the sentences below, putting the adverbs given in parentheses in the correct place:
e.g. You can buy tickets in advance. (usually)
You can usually buy tickets in advance.
1. They are seen in public together. (rarely)
2. Fees must be paid. (annually)
3. An employee's salary is the money he or she receives. (monthly)
4. I prefer science-fiction to war films. (generally)
5. He's been good at remembering faces. (never)
6. My friends and family are telling me it's time i got married. (always)
7. We eat roast beef on Sundays. (often)
8. My teacher writes reports on us. (weekly)
9. The bank will calculate your interest. (yearly)