Unit 10: Interests | Vocabulary | A2
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Unit 10: Interests | Vocabulary | A2


What do all of these words and expressions have in common?

hobbies     interests     pursuits     leisure     relaxation

activities     free time     pastimes




When you are not working or studying or doing something because you have to do it, you have free time or leisure time to carry out the activities of your choice.

Most people have hobbies or interests of some kind. Which of the following have you participated in?

A. listening to music H. travelling, trips to new places
B. going for a walk I. visiting friends
C. shopping J. collecting something (stamps, coins, etc.)
D. sport/games K. local theatre (amateur dramatics)
E. cooking L. TV/films/theatre/concerts
F. reading M. creative writing
G. exhibitions/ galleries N. eating out


Some activities involve going outside; these are known as outdoor activities. Those which do not usually involve going outside are called indoor activities.

Sort the following into indoor or outdoor activities:

ping-pong     shopping at the local market      cooking     travelling to new places
golf     collecting stamps     jogging     listening to music
cycling in the country watching TV     eating at a restaurant     going for a walk



Why do people need interests/hobbies?

Here are some possible reasons. Put them in order of importance according to how you feel about them. For example, if you think meeting people is the most important reason having an interest, put (1) next to it, and so on.

A. to learn new things F. to get them out of the house
B. to pass the time G. to allow them to meet people
C. to keep fit H. to give them a break from routine
D. to help them to relax I. to help them forget their problems
E. because it's fun J. other reasons? __________________


Ways to say how we feel about something

  • I like
  • I love
  • I enjoy
  • I don't like
  • I' m keen on/not keen on
  • I’m interested in/not interested in
  • I can’t stand
  • I hate

Complete these sentences:

1. I’m not interested in ____________________.

2. I don’t like ____________________.

3. I hate ____________________.

4. I can’t stand ____________________.


Complete these sentences, using phrases appropriate to you:

e.g. I like listening to music in order to relax.

1. I enjoy ______________ because it ______________.

2. I like ______________ in order to______________.

3. I love to ______________; it ______________.

4. I' m keen on ______________ because ______________.

5. I' m interested in ______________ as ______________.


Some activities require us to learn a skill or develop a talent, e.g. skiing or painting. If we pursue this activity, we take on a ‘title’, like skier or painter.

Complete the following; the first one is done for you:

cycling cyclist piano playing  
swimming   playing football  
golf   cooking  
music   water-skiing  
writing   playing tennis  


Below are some phrases which express the degree of competence you have acquired in a certain activity.
I’m useless at
no good at
not bad at
quite good at
good at
an expert at
For example, we can say: I’m useless at swimming. We can express this in another way: I’m a useless swimmer.

Fill the gaps in the sentences below, using this pattern:

1. I'm no good at athletics. I' m not a good _______________.

2. I' m not very good at playing the piano. I' m not much of a _______________.

3. I' m not bad at cooking. I' m not a bad _______________.

4. I' m quite good at boxing. I' m quite a good _______________.

5. I' m an expert at karate. I' m a _______________ expert.